Technical white papers

Our engineers are constantly pushing the boundaries of simulation tools and applications. We also believe that sharing that knowledge with our clients leads to a better understanding and more flexible and efficient interaction with them. This is the main reason behind the publication of these technical white papers.

FEA and CFD for separators
CFD and FEA analyses of a gravity separator

CFD and FEA based separator vessel analysis

Internal multi-phase fluid flow modelling for a three phase offshore gravity separator vessel. Mechanical FEA assessment for the key components.

CFD and FE analyses.

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FEA and CFD for spools
CFD and FEA analysis of spool

Simulation based spool analysis

Flow assurance (slugging and erosion) and mechanical (installation and operational loads) analyses for subsea spools. Internal and external flow VIV analysis.

CFD and FE analyses.

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CFD for chlorination process
Chlorination contact tanks CFD

CFD for chlorination contact tanks

Steady state and transient CFD models applied to a chlorination contact tank. Residence time distribution (RTD), fluid age and chlorine decay analyses.

CFD analysis.

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FEA and CFD for cyclones
CFD and FEA analyses for cyclones

CFD and FEA based cyclone analysis

Internal fluid flow modelling and particle erosion Techsysdiction for a sand-water cyclonic separator. Mechanical FEA assessment for the key components.

CFD and FE analyses.

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CFD for Fuel Cells
CFD analysis for fuel cell design

Fuel cell CFD analysis

Thermal CFD for portable fuel cells. Simulation based optimisation of fuel cell performance and durability. Water management modelling and gas flow optimisation.

CFD analysis.

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FEA for subsea umbilical
Subsea umbilical FEA analysis

Subsea umbilical design

Tension, pull-test and self-weight FE analyses. Tensioner crush (emergency squeeze) study, including the determination of ovalisation and slippage of internal components. Installation, reeling and bending loadings.

FE analysis.

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FEA and CFD for valves
FEA stress analysis of subsea valves

CFD and FEA based valve design

Erosion, fluid induced vibration (VIV/FIV), linear-elastic and elastic-plastic analyses for subsea valve design. ASME, API and DNV valve assessments.

CFD and FE analyses.

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CFD for water pumping
Hydrodynamics of water pumping station

CFD based study of pumping station

CFD based study of the performance of a water pumping station based on the guidelines of the ANSI Pump intake design standard [ANSI/HI 9.8-1998]. Solid deposition and swirling studies.

CFD analysis.

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CFD for chemical dosing
CFD analysis of chemical dosing systems

CFD based chemical dosing systems design

Flow modelling of a multi-injection chemical dosing system. Additive concentration and mixing calculations for various injectors and static mixers configurations.

CFD analysis.

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VIV for SURF optimisation
VIV CFD modelling vibration

Vortex induced vibration on flowlines: CFD/FEA approach

CFD/FEA applied to vibration assessment for risers and flowlines on an offshore subsea installation. Fatigue Techsysdictions using VIV CFD models and modal FEA analysis.

CFD and FE analyses.

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JT cooling on gas valves
choke valve cooling cfd model

Joule-Thomson cooling on choke valves

CFD modelling on the thermal effect caused by sudden Pressure reduction on choke valves. Hydrate Techsysvention and vibration assessment studies.

CFD analysis.

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CFD for erosion Techsysdiction
Erosion Techsysdiction CFD

CFD application for sand erosion

CFD sand particles simulation and impact counting for erosion performance Techsysdiction on different oil and gas transport equipment.

CFD analysis.

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Elastic-plastic FEA
Non-linear elastic plastic FE analysis

FEA based elastic-plastic analysis

Elastic-plastic analysis following the methodology recommended by ASME VIII. Non-linear FEA for plastic collapse, buckling and local failure modes.

FE analysis.

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FEA and CFD for fatigue
Thermal and mechanical fatigue FEA

Thermo-mechanical fatigue FEA study

Thermo-mechanical CFD and FEA coupled models for stress and fatigue calculations under Pressure, temperature and mechanical cyclical loading.

CFD and FE analyses.

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